Where We're From
First Covenant Church belongs to a larger body of churches called The Evangelical Covenant Church, which began as a revival movement within the Lutheran Church of Sweden in the nineteenth century.
These revivalists sought to return to the most essential truths of the faith – that by God’s grace through faith, each person is able to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and that God’s Word is the sole authority for faith, doctrine, and conduct.
Where We're Headed
We are growing in faith together as we live our lives according to God’s purposes. On Sunday mornings, we celebrate all that God is doing around us and through us for His glory, and during the rest of the week we simply live life together, bearing each other’s burdens and becoming more like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What This Means for You
As we seek to impact our community with the power of the gospel, we invite you to join us and become a part of what God is doing here to make Himself known.
Pacific Southwest Conference
First Covenant Church is a part of the Pacific Southwest Conference, which includes Covenant churches throughout Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah.
Our Mission Statement
We, as followers of Jesus Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit, commit ourselves to honor God by
Reaching Up in Prayer
Reaching In with Care
Reaching Out and Share