Children's Ministry at First Covenant Church

Our Mission

First Covenant Children’s Ministries are designed to reach children and their families with the love of Jesus, helping them grow as committed disciples and experience God’s life-changing love.

Sunday Morning Kids Cove (Preschool to 5th Grade)
Sunday Morning "Kids Cove" (Preschool to 5th Grade)

Kids go to the worship service with their families, and then are dismissed to “Kids Cove” about 20 minutes into the worship service (9:30 service only). After the worship service, kids can be picked up by their parent or guardian in the downstairs of “Fellowship Hall,” the building on the north end of the church campus.

Sunday Morning Babies and Toddlers (0-3 years)
Sunday Morning Babies and Toddlers (0-3 years)

Babies can be dropped off in the Nursery (located downstairs in the Fellowship Hall) before the 9:30 worship service. The nursery opens ten minutes before the service starts. We will contact you via text message if your baby needs you before the service ends (because of excessive crying, for example). We give snacks to the kids (the ones who are old enough to eat them), so let us know if your little one has any special dietary needs.

Wednesday Night Kids Cove (PreK to 5th Grade)
Wednesday Night "Kids Cove" (PreK to 5th Grade)

Kids preschool through 5th grade are invited to Wednesday Night Kids Cove. We meet downstairs in “Fellowship Hall” from 6-7:30pm. We usually play games, sing songs, dig into the Bible, memorize verses, talk about God & Jesus, and eat snacks. It is an opportunity for your kids to grow closer to Jesus and to each other.

Core Values and Goals

Jesus is at the center of our ministry and children are the focus

We are continually aiming to inspire kids in their walk with the Lord, helping them grow in deeper understanding of God’s truths, who God is, and how much God loves them. Our goal is to teach children the good news of Jesus in a way that is intentional and purposeful – that instills a deep devotion to Christ. We want our children’s ministries to be so FUN and get kids so excited about their faith that they can’t wait to come back each week.

We are shepherds and role models to children

Our goal is to make each child feel known and loved, serving each child and building relationships with their family with passion and joy, knowing that we are influencing a generation of disciples for Jesus. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14

We will be relevant to today’s kids

Our activities and lessons will be age appropriate, engaging, and relevant to kids and their life today. We will help kids explore how the Bible lessons they learn personally affect their lives, and how God’s truths apply to our culture and world today.

We will create a safe environment for kids emotionally, spiritually, and physically. 

Emotional safety comes when volunteers create a worm, welcoming, and positive environment where each child is accepted and loved. Spiritually, not every child is at the same place so we must make a safe place for kids to ask the tough questions and to grow in their own faith and at their own pace. Physical safety will be implemented through background checks for all volunteers, check-in and check-out procedures, and safe, age-appropriate classrooms.

Meet our Leaders

Aaron Reiher

Children’s Ministry Director

Andrew Sathrum

Christian Education Chair

Any questions?

Click the button below to get in touch with our leaders.

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
- Proverbs 22:6