“Building Family Strengths”

May 29 6:00 - 7:30 pm  |  First Covenant Church

2526 J Street, Eureka, CA, USA

Coming to FCC on May 29, 2024
Grandparents, parents, and teachers of children are invited to “Building Family Strengths,” a presentation and discussion based on the book “Building Family Strengths: Generation to Generation.” (You do not need the book to participate, but if you’d like to order it, purchase on Amazon here: https://a.co/d/9EJNmnm).
Presenter: Retired teacher and author (and Linda Hall’s sister), Christine J. Thompson, Ph.D.
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 | 6-7:30 PM
Come and be inspired to help the kids in your life (younger and older) connect to Jesus and grow in their faith!